Alex Pace

Life. Camera. Action.

My Story

At such a young age, I was immediately drawn to the stories that photos brought to life. My father is an avid story teller, and whenever he came across old photos, there was always a story that came with it. It was at this point that I realized I wanted to be a photographer, that I wanted to tell the stories and be the one behind the camera.

Unfortunately, when it came time for me to get a college degree, I did not follow my true passion. Instead, I let people tell me that being a photographer was not a sustainable living and I need to get a real job. Fast forward through my college years and I became a teacher and taught 4th grade for 5 years.

Although I adore working with children and creating a nurturing environment for them to thrive and learn, I felt that I was not fully present every day. My heart was not in it so to of speak. Thankfully, I have a loving husband who thinks I have natural talent when given a camera and, perhaps he is a little biased, but he has encouraged me to pursue happiness and the rest will follow.

Fast forward to the present and I am no longer a full time teacher, but I am volunteering with underprivileged youth in Los Angeles. When I am not volunteering, I am spending a lot of time reading photography manuals, taking online courses, and learning through trial and error. I hope my photography can become my career one day, but regardless, I am doing what brings me such joy.